Andee 101

There is no extra hardware required to run the Andee101. However, there are advertisements that will play when using the Andee101. You can choose to purchase the In-App Purchase to remove the ads.

Before You Code

In order to use the Andee101 Library in your sketch , we require the following libraries:

  1. CurieBLE.h
  2. Andee101.h

To include them in the project, insert the following code snippet at the top of your Arduino sketch

#include <CurieBLE.h>
#include <Andee101.h>

You will then need to add this code in the setup

void setup() {
    Andee101.begin();  // Setup communication between Annikken Andee and Arduino

to start using Andee101 functions.

The final sketch will look like the code below

#include <CurieBLE.h>
#include <Andee101.h>

void setup() {
    Andee101.begin();  // Setup communication between Annikken Andee and Arduino
    //put other setup code here if there are any

void loop() {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Note: These steps are required for each project that you use with Annikken Andee 101. Leaving out these steps results in compile errors.

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